Cincinnati Museum Center, Dreamland

Celebrating our region's rich architectural landscape

Environmental Graphics
Cincinnati Museum Center, Dreamland

Dreamland moves beyond the historical to demarcate a moment that current generations can interpret via their own lived experience.

Dreamland is a permanent installation at the Cincinnati Museum Center that pays tribute to the cultural and architectural history of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky—a quintessential Midwest city and a liminal geopolitical space between The North and The South.

Lit from within and joined by the historic Roebling Suspension Bridge, this installation combines over 200 forms to create a 360-degree model of both sides of the Ohio River.

At every turn and interaction point—including viewing platforms both above and below the installation, visitors are invited to circle the piece and to climb upward and downward, losing themselves in the search for recognizable landmarks and shared memories.

This installation measures 30’x10’, weighs a little over 1 ton, and floats harmoniously above the historic Duke Energy Train Model.

Our team, under the leadership of Michelle D’Cruz, is proud to have received a Cincinnati Addy’s award for this project, as well as mention in Smithsonian Magazine.

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